90 Day Bible Challenge
I want to challenge you to read the Bible—the whole thing, cover to cover, all 66 books, in 90 days. Please don't say you can't or that it's not possible. You can, and it is. And we want to help by resourcing you and doing it together.
Why read the Bible in 90 days? Just a guess, but I bet you've never done that. And if you do, you'll see things you've never seen. Because the Bible tells one big story, immersing ourselves in that story—like binging a show—helps us discover patterns, themes, and new truths unavailable to the skip-around ways we tend toward.
Let's binge the Bible for a change, making it the dominant voice we hear. Starting August 27, we will read or listen to 10-12 pages per day. Below you will find resources to purchase a 90 Day reading plan in book form (NIV translation) or download and use the Bible app's reading plan for free.
Do this with us. You won't regret it. It will change your life. "[S]o is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11). As a follower of Jesus and as a member or friend of Harvest Pointe, I invite you to this challenge.
I want to challenge you to read the Bible—the whole thing, cover to cover, all 66 books, in 90 days. Please don't say you can't or that it's not possible. You can, and it is. And we want to help by resourcing you and doing it together.
Why read the Bible in 90 days? Just a guess, but I bet you've never done that. And if you do, you'll see things you've never seen. Because the Bible tells one big story, immersing ourselves in that story—like binging a show—helps us discover patterns, themes, and new truths unavailable to the skip-around ways we tend toward.
Let's binge the Bible for a change, making it the dominant voice we hear. Starting August 27, we will read or listen to 10-12 pages per day. Below you will find resources to purchase a 90 Day reading plan in book form (NIV translation) or download and use the Bible app's reading plan for free.
Do this with us. You won't regret it. It will change your life. "[S]o is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" (Isaiah 55:11). As a follower of Jesus and as a member or friend of Harvest Pointe, I invite you to this challenge.
Join the Challenge.
Click the link below to join the 90 day Bible Reading challenge on the Youversion app.
Click the link below if you want to purchase a Bible you can read formatted for the 90 day Challenge.
What is the Holy Bible?
As Christians, we believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God. These books are not ordinary but holy—different in authority than other books or media—our highest authority. Further, the Bible has 66 books of various genres, thus, biblia, or books. Hence, the Holy (different) Bible (books).
How can we participate?
Firstly, in reading from the "NIV Bible in 90 Days," in book form, and secondly, reading or listening through the YouVersion Bible App. The app is an excellent option if you commute regularly or have difficulty reading. Finally, we would love to know you're doing this with us! Consider emailing me at marshall@harvestpointe.com or join our Bible in 90 Days plan through the YouVersion app (Click link on this page).
What happens if I fall behind?
More than likely, at some point, you will fall behind. Don't give up. Set aside a day each week to catch up on anything you've missed. It's great to read every day, of course. But if you know you'll be busier one week over another, read ahead. The important thing is to read the Bible in 90 days, cover to cover, setting up a life-long habit in our life.
Is it too late to join?
It is never too late to join. If you can, catch up. If not, start from that day. Binging the Bible in 90 days is worthwhile.
What is the Holy Bible?
As Christians, we believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God. These books are not ordinary but holy—different in authority than other books or media—our highest authority. Further, the Bible has 66 books of various genres, thus, biblia, or books. Hence, the Holy (different) Bible (books).
How can we participate?
Firstly, in reading from the "NIV Bible in 90 Days," in book form, and secondly, reading or listening through the YouVersion Bible App. The app is an excellent option if you commute regularly or have difficulty reading. Finally, we would love to know you're doing this with us! Consider emailing me at marshall@harvestpointe.com or join our Bible in 90 Days plan through the YouVersion app (Click link on this page).
What happens if I fall behind?
More than likely, at some point, you will fall behind. Don't give up. Set aside a day each week to catch up on anything you've missed. It's great to read every day, of course. But if you know you'll be busier one week over another, read ahead. The important thing is to read the Bible in 90 days, cover to cover, setting up a life-long habit in our life.
Is it too late to join?
It is never too late to join. If you can, catch up. If not, start from that day. Binging the Bible in 90 days is worthwhile.